1. What is the U.S. Center for SafeSport, what is their jurisdiction and how is the Center empowered?
2. What are the reporting requirements?
3. What happens if I do not report conduct that I am required to report?
4. Am I required to report about suspected abuse that occurred several years ago?
5. What resources are available to learn more about Safe Sport?
6. Who decides whether to issue a temporary suspension for sexual misconduct?
7. Does the U.S. Center for SafeSport issue a temporary suspension in connection with every report of allegations of sexual misconduct?
8. What is the criteria for a temporary suspension?
9. Is there a process for a person to seek relief from a temporary suspension?
10. Can a suspended person request that USEF lift their suspension or permit them to participate in some activities?
11. How are individuals notified they are under a temporary suspension?
12. What is the scope of an interim measures hearing on a temporary suspension?
13. Is there recourse against someone who intentionally makes a false accusation?
14. Does the USEF know the reporting party?
15. Why can’t everyone know everything about an investigation?
16. Once a determination is made that a violation occurred, what guidelines does the U.S. Center for SafeSport follow to determine appropriate sanctions?
17. What is USEF’s responsibility to enforce sanctions?
18. When did USEF’s Safe Sport program start?
19. What is the responsibility of USEF Recognized Affiliates and their associated organizations and activities?
20. Why do I have to take SafeSport Training?