1. Where can I locate the required SafeSport Training? How long does it take?
2. By what date do I have to complete the SafeSport Training?
3. How do I know I have completed the required SafeSport Training?
4. Who is required to take the SafeSport Training?
5. Why is the SafeSport Training a requirement of USEF Competing Members 18-years-old and older?
6. I’m having trouble with the SafeSport Training or the USEF website. Who do I contact?
7. How often do I need to complete the SafeSport Training?
8. I am a survivor of abuse and believe this training could be an emotional trigger, what do I do?
9. What happens if I do not comply with the SafeSport Training requirement?
10. I don’t have access to the internet or a computer, how do I access the SafeSport Training?
11. How long does it take for USEF to receive notification that someone has completed the SafeSport Training?
12. How will show secretaries and competition managers know if someone has taken the SafeSport Training?
13. Why do I have to take the SafeSport Training when I have little or no interaction with those under the age of 18?
14. Do parents have to complete the SafeSport Training?
15. Can entire barns take the SafeSport Training together?
16. If the owner of my horse has not taken the SafeSport Training, is the horse ineligible to compete?
17. Do Farm Members have to take Safe Sport Training?
18. If I pay a Show Pass fee to compete at a USEF-sanctioned horse show, does this training requirement apply to me?
19. I am a member of another country’s National Federation and sometimes compete in the United States without USEF membership. Do I have to take the SafeSport Training?
20. My profession requires me to take several trainings similar to the SafeSport Training, is there an exemption for me?
21. If a horse is shown and the owner has taken the SafeSport Training, but the trainer and/or rider is a USEF competing member 18-years-old and older and has not taken the SafeSport Training, will that horse's points count?
22. If the owner, rider, and/or trainer was ineligible on the first day of the competition, but does complete the training after the competition starts, will the horse's points count?
23. If a trainer is suspended/ineligible for something other than SafeSport Training, will the horse's points count?