May 6-12 is US Equestrian's Community Outreach Awareness Week. Learn more at

In saddle seat equitation classes, riders should convey the impression of effective and easy control. To show a horse well, he should show himself to the best advantage. Ring generalship must be taken into consideration by the judges. A complete picture of the whole is of major importance in "open" equitation classes (not breed restricted) only the rider is being judged, therefore, any horse that is suitable for a particular style of riding and is capable of performing the required class routine is acceptable.

Learn more about competing in saddle seat equitation with US Equestrian!


In The News

J.D. Massey Classic Horse Show Is Exhibitor-Friendly Thanks to the USEF Lite Program

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Upcoming Events from US Equestrian National Affiliates and NCEA - April/May 2024

by US Equestrian Communications Dept. | Apr 2, 2024, 1:00 PM EST

2024 USEF Saddle Seat Medal Finals Qualifying Season Has Begun

by US Equestrian Communications Dept. | Feb 20, 2024, 2:00 PM EST

Upcoming Events from USEF National Affiliate Organizations – Winter/Early Spring 2024

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U.S. Teams Selected for 2024 Saddle Seat World Cup

by Leslie Potter/US Equestrian Communications Dept. | Dec 3, 2023, 7:00 PM EST