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Implementation of an Isolation Plan

Katie Flynn, BVMS

Implementation of an Isolation Plan

Posted: February 2024
Length: 00:00

About This Video

Katie Flynn, BVMS, USEF Equine Health and Biosecurity Veterinarian, discusses the importance of the isolation of a sick horse and how to quickly implement the written isolation plan at a competition venue.

About The Expert

Katie Flynn, BVMS
Katie Flynn, BVMS
Senior Veterinarian Equine Health and Biosecurity, US Equestrian

Dr. Katie Flynn joined U.S. Equestrian in 2023. Prior to joining USEF, Dr. Flynn was the Kentucky State Veterinarian, a role she assumed in 2020 when she was working as the Kentucky Department of Agriculture's (KDA) Deputy State Veterinarian. Dr. Flynn came to Kentucky by way of California, where she worked for 18 years as an animal health official, primarily with the California Department of Food and Agriculture.