Watch as legendary hunter rider and trainer Danny Robertshaw analyzes the jumping and overall performance that make a winning hunter round.
About This Video
USEF “R” licensed judge Danny Robertshaw breaks down five important elements in hunter riding that can turn your jumping round into a winning one, from the horse’s attitude and jumping style over fences to the rider’s ability to judge pace and inspire trust in the horse. And he analyzes one example of the perfect winning round: Liza Boyd riding Brunello in the 2015 United States Hunter Jumper Association’s International Hunter Derby Finals.
For more about hunters and hunter seat equitation, please visit the United States Hunter Jumper Association and US Equestrian’s hunter and hunter/jumping seat equitation pages.
Key Principles:
- Brilliance
- Pace
- Trust and Teamsmanship
- Jumping Style
- Confidence and Consistency
Additional Information
About The Expert

Danny Robertshaw is a United States Equestrian Federation “R” licensed judge and serves as a committee member for both US Equestrian and the United States Hunter Jumper Association. As a trainer and rider, Robertshaw piloted some of his era’s most celebrated show hunters to championships. In 1989, riding Protocol, Robertshaw became the first rider to earn championships in the Regular Working Hunters at Devon, the Pennsylvania National Horse Show, the Washington International Horse Show, the National Horse Show, and the Royal Winter Fair in a single season season. He also earned championships at Devon, Harrisburg, Washington, and/or the National Horse Show with such hunters as Lestat, Parody, Silent Runner, and numerous others.
In 2001, Robertshaw received the USEF’s Emerson Burr Trophy as the year’s Equestrian of Honor for the Hunter division, and in 2010 the United States Hunter Jumper Association gave him Lifetime Achievement Award. Robertshaw and fellow hunter trainer Ron Danta operate Beaver River Farm in Camden, South Carolina, and also train out of Wellington, Florida. For more about Danny Robertshaw, please see this USHJA Lifetime Achievement Award video about him.