2024 Location and Date:
The Maryland International and Horse Trials (Adamstown, Md.)
July 5-7, 2024
Athletes interested in participating in the Championships must complete a USEF Area Declaration by May 1, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. ET. The Area Declaration is located in an Athlete's USEF Athlete Dasboard under Online Applications.
The qualifying period is January 1, 2023, through May 26, 2024. In addition to the USEF and FEI requirements to participate at each level, for the CCI3*, athletes will have to have an MER at a prior CCI3*-S within the qualifying period. For the CCI2*, athletes will have to have an MER at a prior CCI2*-S within the qualifying period. Athletes particpating in the CCI1* do not have any additional qualifications.
Please contact Christina Vaughn, Director of Emerging and Development Programs with any questions. [email protected]
2024 Important Dates:
Area Declarations Close: May 1
Entries Open: May 21
Nominated Entries Due: June 3
Close Date: June 24
Definite Entries Due: June 24
Don't forget to submit your FEI Entry through your USEF Athlete Dashboard alond with your entry directly to the competition. When entering the competition, make sure to designate that you plan to particpate in YRC and which Area you are with.
Facilities, Grounds and Hotel Information:

2025 Location and Date: The Maryland International and Horse Trials in Adamstown, Md., on July 6-8, 2025.
Past Results: