Program Overview
The USEF Junior Jumper National Championships and Prix des States provide an opportunity for U.S. Junior riders to compete against their peers over multiple days of competition each fall. The Championship features both the Prix des States Team Competition, with Teams fielded by Zone, and an Individual Competition. Fence heights will be a maximum of 1.45m.

Gold: Sofia Cady; Silver: Hunter Champey; Bronze: Taylor Cawley

Congratulations to the 2023 Prix des States Teams - Gold: Zone 10, Silver: Zone 4, Bronze: Zone 7
Championship Format:
Day 1: Individual Championship Phase I, Welcome Class 1.35m, Faults Converted without jump-off
Day 2: Prix des States Team Championship & Individual Phase II, 1.40m Modified Nations Cup with two identical rounds
Day 3: Individual Championship Phase III, 1.40m Table II with Time Allowed. In the event of a tie for Gold, Silver, or Bronze, there will be a jump-off over a shortened course where fence heights can reach 1.45m and in which time will decide between competitors with equal faults.
Important Dates:
September 1, 2023 - start of qualifying perid
August 31, 2024 - end of qualifying period and last day to submit online application
September 9, 2024 - last day to earn and submit Certificate of Capability
September 21, 2024 - standings will be post complete (all competitions within the qualifying period will be posted in standings)
2024 Standings Lists
*please note: standings will be based on the athlete/horse combination’s best five (5) results (highest prize money won in a class).*
Questions? Contact Erin Keating, USEF Director, Jumping Development Programs, at [email protected].